Saturday, August 21, 2010

Nene's interview

Q: What was your first modeling job?

A: I modeled clothes in a magazine for Kimmi's first ever clothing line. Kamy Sweets.

Q: How much was your first paycheck and what did you buy with it?

A: It was $100 and I brought two tickets to a TVXQ concert in Japan for Juria and I. It was so fun.

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

A: I like to go to teen clubs or someplace fun, like the beach or something.

Q: Who is your Idol crush?

A: Hiroto from alicenine.

Q: Are you dating someone?

A: No. I'm single.

Q: Favorite color?

A: Yellow.

Q: Favorite accessory?

A: Ribbons.

Q: Do you have a favorite outfit?

A: I love all of my outfits, so I favor them all equally.

Q: Would you like to try anything else besides modeling?

A: Nope.

Q: How many languages do you speak?

A: Japanese, Korean, and English.

Q: What's the last name of your best friend you've known since childhood?

A: Minami.