Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Juria and Riri in America!! and first fanmeeting!

Hello everyone, how are you today? Good I hope. Sooo this is my last post for today, and again. We have two topics! yay!

Alright, first. Riri, who just turned 23 spent her birthday vacationing in California this weekend, she took along her baby sis, Juria, and her boyfriend... (Sorry can't say his name) ;) They also had a photoshoot in Beverly Hills! Juria, who returned three days earlier than her sister said

"It was pretty awkward, being in California again, I left the States on bad terms, so truthfully I not wish to return to Los Angeles, but it was fun, especially since it was my sisters' birthday, so I decided to put everything behind me and have lots of fun, and I did. I would like to go back, one day." then added. "Happy birthday Sissy! Saranghae. Enjoy your last three days before you return to work, rest well and have fun."

Below is Juria (Mikki)'s Selca.




Spring is here and Mikki Ulzzang (the real Juria)

Hi! Spring is almost here! Today we have two topics. First of all, I'd like to say sorry to the fans for not updating this or the "Ulzzang" blog, we have been uber busy with the new "Star Clickk" also, we heard that new people signed up for our Taiwanese fanclub! Woo! Thank you~! we now have over 200 fans. I'm glad you all enjoy reading our blog as well as our models. ^^ Anyways, before we get started with this new post, I want to give my best condolences and prayers to Japan and the people that live there. It's devastating to hear something like that, especially Sendai (my hometown) Everyone is in my hearts. :D
Sooo, on a lighter note. I want to talk about spring time. Everyone knows (if you are a fashion freak) that Springtime brings light colors like, purple, yellow, blue, orange, and of course... White. Spring is my favorite fashion season, other than summer because both seasons are beautiful and bring gorgeous fashions to the table, especially wedges, flip flops, maxi dresses, and fluttery girly skirts. ^_____^ But we'll talk more about that later, araso? Kay.

Now I want to discuss this with the fans, the whole Mikki and Juria situation.

If you can see below, Juria and Mikki are the same people, we call Mikki "Juria" This girl you see below is Lee Yeon Ju, owner of the shopping mall, girlsholic. So, before you go calling Juria Kim (Sasaki) a fake, please ask us first and we'll give you the information you need. :) So, to easily explain. Mikki is Juria, Juria is Mikki, same person, only she changed her name. Hope I made sense. This is all for now though!

Monday, January 31, 2011

My favorite Ulzzang Girl.

Below is the Ulzzang girl I adore.
<=== Her name is Hong Young Ki.

Name: Hong Young Ki

Age: July 29 1992 (19 years old)

Height: 149cm 150cm (4'11/5'0)

Weight: 43kg (83lbs?)

Nicknames: Korea's Little Kid, Tinkerbell, Nation's Pig.

Youngki is super popular and won the 1st season of Uljjang Shidae, she gets 11,000 views on her minihompy a day. I think she was the prettiest out of all of the girls, you can't see her plastic surgery, unlike Jung Hyun Joo. Youngki may be weird looking sometimes, but she's really pretty, especially on TV. Youngki you are my favorite!!!!!!!! SARANGHAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

New ownership!

Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Starr Clickk's (blogspot) new owner! Lee Hae Ju, you can call me Haley. ^^ So, a little about me. I'm 22 years old, a close friend of model, Riri Sasaki (the leader of Starr Clickk) and a college junior. :) I am the new owner of the Starr Clickk blog! Please continue to support the former models and this blog also. We're also opening the Yahoo fanclub meetings again!! So please check back often for updated news. ^^

~ Haley.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

New Blog!

As you know (from Fashion Teen) we announced last month that Starr Clickk would close for good (including the stores) But we will still blog. This blog will not be deleted but we are starting a new blog. A blog that focuses on Uljjangs. So, that means we're focusing on Korea and not Japan. We will not be updating anymore on Starr Clickk's blog because there is no more Starr Clickk. So, please read our new blog. Ulzzang World.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Han Alicia

Name: Alicia Han
DOB: March 19 1984
Age: 27
Occupation: Vice President of Starr Clickk,
Model, fashion mogul,
Weight: 100lbs
Height: 180cm (5'10)
BIO: Alicia was born in Taipei, Taiwan to a Japanese mother and a Taiwanese father. Alicia was born with a heart defect that caused her to have three surgeries before her second birthday. And five surgeries before her fifth birthday. Alicia had a troublesome childhood, even though her mother and father tried to make it seemingly normal for her, it didn't help much with Alicia being so sick. When Alicia reached high school. She was a healthy girl who had forgotten all about her childhood. Alicia became a model at eighteen years old. She was named the Vice President of Starr Clickk in October of 2008, four months after the modeling agency opened. Alicia or Alice has one older sibling who is an actress and one younger sibling who is currently in high school.

The End of Starr Clickk?

From: Vice President Ali Han and President Yujin Lee

To: Starr Clickk fans and readers.

Dear Starr Clickk fans,

As you may know, last month our models went on hiatus. And therefore only three models are active at the moment (Riri, Haera and Juria) Because of that, everything has stopped. All of the activities (even with three models still present) It's still not enough. We are more than satisfied to have Riri, Haera, and Juria but it won't work out. So at the end of October, Starr Clickk will have its last party. We are more than sorry for this. And we've had a long run, almost four years have passed since 2008. We know we are letter all of our fans down. So we probably won't be posting anymore photos, news, fanmail, FAQ, profiles, or updates. We are truly sorry and we hope you all will still suport us no matter what.

Also, the myYearbook accounts of Sasaki Riku, Park Haera, and Sasaki Juria will be closing at the end of the month also. We are sorry for this too.

Here are our goodbye letters.

JURIA: I want to focus on school. I've been modeling for five years, almost six and it's time to call it quits. Since Starr Clickk is closing, I want to close out my modeling, and myYearbook also. I love the website. But I think I've grown tired of the drama dealing with it, and I'm a really busy person. The only reason I didn't delete my account was because of close friends like Nina and Yorrie-Chan. But now that I've thought about it. I've finally decided what I want to do. I want to be a regular girl who goes to college. I know my world will never be normal. But I can do the best I can. To my fans, I am truly sorry. Please continue to support Pop Candy and myself at whatever I do. I know I've hurt a lot of people, and I want to say sorry about that. And to Senpai. I'm sorry. Gomenasai
Juria Sasaki active years: 2005-2010.


I want to say sorry.
Over the years, my fanbase has grew. And now, I'm letting them down. I don't have much to say because it hurts to much. Modeling was my passion. But after the mishaps of this year, I can't do it. It's too hard. Juria, Aoki, and I have always been such good friends. And it sucks that we might have to part when we go to college. Gomenasai for letting you guys down. Gomenasai for every mistake I've made in the past. Gomenasai for disappointing my fans.


As the eldest and the Leader of Starr Clickk. I apologize for everything. I know these words may not help any because the actions hurt too much. But please note that our reasons for leaving are for good purpose and not just because we're selfish. But I think it's time to stop why we are at it. After Talin left that was our sure sign. Please, don't be mad at us or my mother, it's not her fault. But it's our decision to leave modeling to focus on school. Which, I think, will be more helpful in life than modeling. I've been modeling since age 10, and I'm surprised at myself that I hadn't stop earlier in life. Oh, and I want to clear somethings with you all. First of all, the rumors. No, it's not true that I'm Andy from Shinhwa. Yes, it's true that I'm quitting modeling. No, it's not true that I have a child named Eun Jae. Rumors aren't nice and can be really hurtful. Not that I'm telling you guys what to do, just stop and think about it before you make up these things. Since this is my last letter to you all. Gomenasai.

NOTE: Thank you everyone for supporting Starr Clickk, this is one of our last posts. I doubt if we do post anymore. And again, we are sorry. I know at Starr Clickk's page on Fashion Teen this was already posted.

First we like to thank Fashion Teen magazine, thank you to all of our models and sponsors and most of all, our honors. Starr Clickk fans! Arigatou!

We thought we'd share this picture of Alicia Han and her profile in our last post.